we have six payday loans totaling over $5,000 and my husband was just notified that he may loose his job.
Can you file bankrupcy on payday loans?
If that is your only debt, no. If you are in way over your head with all other bills and have no other option, it could be considered. You will lose all your credit. Set up a payment plan with them, or call a debt management company in your area, almost all places have one and most are a free service.
Can you file bankrupcy on payday loans?
you can file bankruptcy on payday loans - but you want to ruin your credit for only $5k? I recommend trying another way, because you can't file bankruptcy again for 7 years.
Can you file bankrupcy on payday loans?
No, you cannot file bankrupcy. I'd call these places and explain to them, and set up a payment plan, when he gets another job. Keep in touch with them, to keep them off your back. Call them first.
Can you file bankrupcy on payday loans?
Try this site. I believe you will make that 5000$ pretty quickly !
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