Monday, October 26, 2009

What about payday loans?

i have three payday loans out and i am trying to pay them off but every time the payments hit my checking account the money makes my account to be over drawn wht can i do i make good money but i have been screwed up for the past month

What about payday loans?

Close your account. If you keep getting overdrafts the bank will report you and you will be unable to have a bank account for up to 7 yrs. The payday loan place is going to come after you for payment. If they take you to court you will be found to owe them the money but the court will set up a payment plan more suitable. Do not let them frighten you with hardcore collection tactics- they have to follow the law. Go to a bookstore and read up on how to deal with collectors. Suze Orman has a great book that evens explains how long they can legally come after you. Loans have a statue of limitations and after a point they can't even come after you in court because it will get thrown out for being too old. It's 4 yrs in California. Your credit report will take a hit but even that comes off in 7 yrs. Good luck!

What about payday loans?

I've found an areticle on the pros and cons of payday loans. Have a look. Hope it helps. Report It

What about payday loans?

Your problem was going to a payday loans in the first place. Next time go to a bank

What about payday loans?

i know! pick me! well first of all, if u mkae good money then whyd u get a payday loan? lol and no more payday loans for u! dont do it anymore or u will find yourself deeper in a hole, just cut back on a few things and try to pay off the loans. well all i can say see ya

What about payday loans?

get out of them they make you pay so much that you can never keep up don't put anymore money in the bank or they will wind up with it all. i suggest you don't pay them at all

What about payday loans?

Open another account. If you have to pay directly out of your checking account, open an account specifically for withdrawls like that. Deposit into that account what is due. Have a separate account for all other things.

What about payday loans?

Stay away from places like that. They rip you off. I would go get a loan from some one else, or a bank or credit union even Something like Beneficial finance, American General, or something like that before I went to one of the pay day loans ever. I understand what it is like to have financial problems, been there and done that. Good luck getting it all straightened out.

What about payday loans?

do whatever it takes to pay them off. I was in the same boat you were and I actually closed my account that kept getting overdrawn and opened a new one. Then, I payed off the payday loan place in cash whenever I got paid and never got a payday loan again

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