why do cash advance and loans always have other offers to sign up for, ad you already need money. I you had money you would sign up, and not ask for a loan.....and they say they can help, than send you to another cash lender provider..they claim to help but don't, their send you to 9 or 10 payday lenders who are no lenders at all, just to offer you offers that you have to pay for..if you're not lending the money why are they in involve people who are applying for cash payday loans or advances , only want to hear from a lender who's gone to give them their cash advance....
What do you think about payday cash loans and advances, and why do they try to get you to sign for things?
They charge 500% interest and get rich off of dummies who are too lazy to read the fine print .
If I lost my soul , I would consider going into that business and cleaning out the sheep .
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